

#uidesign #neumorphism
Personal Project

In order to develop and demonstrate my UI skills, I have done a re-design of one of Efecte’s software pages.
— Anastasia Kontinen


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The challenge

As one of the leading IT software companies, Efecte is challenged to keep the high standards not only with their customer service, but also have their software meet high standards in visual design. Current design could be updated, keeping in mind not only current UI trends, but also future ones.


My new design

Current design


The process

The trend of Neumorphism in design is dramatically rising and there are solid grounds to conclude that Flat design is soon going to be out-of-date. I believe, it is important to consider, when Efecte plans a “2025 look” for their software. This is why I chose Neumorphism for doing my version of a new UI re-design.
— Anastasia Kontinen



Neumorphism is one of the hottest trends of 2020

Although neumorphism is one of the most talked and inspiring trends at the moment, I admit that this design comes with its own problems. Nevertheless, as a UX designer, I believe that only data of user’s study and usability testing can truly answer the question if this style is right for Efecte. Meanwhile, I was happy to demonstrate my UI skills in practice.
— Anastasia Kontinen

Thank you for your time


Xes Helsinki - Website

